Thursday, September 4, 2008

School Musings

School is crazy. Let's just say that. Late start Wednesdays...well...suck! I dunno. This school year is so incredibly different. With 3 preps I feel like I never get anything done and that nothing is planned. Also we have less prep time and everything (seemingly) has changed. I mean like going from blocks to 7 period dayll, late start wednesday, construction, etc. I dunno. Oh and to top it all off I get to do a portfolio this year which will determine if I get to keep my teaching license or not. Fun fun fun!


Lynn said...

late start wednesday? what time do you start? sorry it's so different! i'm sure you'll get used to it though, and your portfolio will be awesome!

Hope said...

Well, teachers start at normal time (we have professional development for an hour) and kids come in an hour late. So for students, school on Wednesday starts at 8:30 but we still get out at the "normal" time (2:36)