Saturday, January 2, 2010


Today I was sitting on my couch and watching tv and just thinking about the past year and how I wish I would have documented it some more...then I remembered I have this blog! I went back and re-read the 28 posts I have and it was interesting. Life sure is different now. Marriage. It has it's good times and bad times but 6 months into it and I'm still happy i did it, lol.

I really don't wanna go back to school on Monday...breaks are way to nice. Luckily I have a week of review and then finals week and then a 4 day weekend. Not too bad huh? I had so much I planned to do over break and I did nothing.

For NYE Brion and I bought 2 new board games and played them with the Arthurs. Turns out that Monopoly City is really fun and really confusing! Only took about two hours to play a full game so that was neat.

Going to have a date night with the hubby tonight, but I have no clue what we're going to do tonight.

Well, I need to go switch the laundry...blech...write back soon...and hopefully it will be more interesting!