Sunday, September 28, 2008

Missing someone!

This week has not been great...I'm so glad it's Sunday so we get to start the week over again! I had a few 'conflicts' of drama at work, which is a first and I hated every second! We talked about it, and we're good. Also Brion and I had some stuff to talk about and we did. Speaking of Brion...I miss him! He's had to work <ALL weekend! He worked Friday until 4 am; went back at 10:30 Saturday and worked til 5 (he left so that we could hang out) and almost had to go back at 11:00 pm; and went in today at 9:00 am and is still ther (it's currently 8:45). I met him over there at 5 with dinner after going to a house warming party. I really do miss him...the weekend is not the same without him.

Despite missing Brion, I have been busy! I stayed home Friday night (instead of going to the Homecoming game) to work on school stuff. I worked on school stuff Friday night and all day saturday. I even did some work this morning. I planned Chem 1 and Honors til Fall Break and Chem 2 until Thanksgiving, lol. But I'm good. All this planning is good since I will be starting my portfolio tomorrow. I'll let you know how that goes!

Well, I'm off to get a few things done before bed...I just hope I get to talk to Brion on the phone before bed...but I have no idea how late he'll be at work...I guess till all the work is done.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Well today was fun! lol We went to see my grandparents and tell them the news! They were excited. Then we did our book study and just talked for a while before going to dinner with Andy and Ann Brahmer (sp?). Andy is going to be officating our wedding ceremony and Ann is his wife. Andy and Ann are close friends with Brion so that's really neat. I'm trying to get to know them more so that I'm more comfortable with him/her.

I was a littel nervouse going into dinner...but I like them alot! Andy is really nice and Ann is super duper sweet! I think she's even going to help with some of the planning which is great! I'm realyl excited! Lol

Well, I have to go back to work tomorrow so I'm going to need to get some stuff done.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Engagement and Weddings!!!!!!

Well, Brion finally asked me to marry him! It's been a bumpy road for us but I think it was just some speed bumps, lol. I know some of you have been asking me how he asked so I'll let you know:
On Sunday Brion and my dad went to play a round of golf...I stayed home because I didn't feel like going. Brion asked my dad's permission to marry me and he got my dad's approval! So, when dad got home he pulled me aside and asked when i was getting maried. I told him I wasn't sure because Brion would have to ask him then me...then dad said, "oh...well he asked me, it's ok, just act suprised!" Lol. It was funny. So on Sunday Brion picked me up and he took me to Bearnos then we were going to find something to do until we noticed the horrible wind storm. We then went to his house to take cover and just hang out. We have been going through a premarital study so we did our chapter in the book, then Brion took my book over to the desk came back to the couch where I was snuggled up with pillows and blankets and got on one knee and asked me to marry him! I then took about 2 minutes to "think" about it...then responded with a yes!

So we picked a date this week and a place. We plan to hold our ceremony and reception outside at Community Park on Saturday, June 20, 2009. The time is still unofficial. I even went today to book the shelter house because there was only 2 dates in June open! We did some shopping around and price comparrision and we got a GREAT deal!

Ultimately I'm not looking forward to all the planning seems fun now, but I don't think it'll work out to well for me. I want a super simple, classic outdoor wedding so it shouldn't be too bad. I don't anticipate doing any more planning until after Christmas so

Oh...I do need to find a photographer. I know they book up fast in June. I don't want to spend a lot though. Any suggestions? I have a few ideas but I'm open to ideas!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

School Musings

School is crazy. Let's just say that. Late start Wednesdays...well...suck! I dunno. This school year is so incredibly different. With 3 preps I feel like I never get anything done and that nothing is planned. Also we have less prep time and everything (seemingly) has changed. I mean like going from blocks to 7 period dayll, late start wednesday, construction, etc. I dunno. Oh and to top it all off I get to do a portfolio this year which will determine if I get to keep my teaching license or not. Fun fun fun!